Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 1

March 6, 2010

Dad and I have decided to revive the garden at the farm. The plan is: tomatoes, potatoes, beans, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, and maybe some cantaloupe. First, however, the plot needed to be cleaned out. Years of neglect resulted in some pretty serious weeds (trees, really) that needed to come out. We went up on a dreary, muddy Saturday to get started. We spent about 4 hours hacking, clearing, and tidying the plot. There's still a ton more to do, like killing off the small tree stumps that have developed, and clearing around the outside of the plot. Here are some pics from Day 1:


  1. what a great idea Morgan! I love this time of the year in the garden....everything is brown, muddy--in need of love...pure anticipation for the months to come, right?
